+43 732 77 56 16

Photo Woman smiles

Dental Surgery

No matter what symptoms you have in the teeth, mouth or jaws: When you come to my medical office, I will take ample time to make an expert diagnosis and provide personal consultation. Whether it is an operation for a wisdom tooth, treatment of the root tip, or the treatment of cysts and inflammations in the mouth and jaws:
I perform all operations gently, sparingly, and with minimum pain – in local anesthesia or, if you wish, general anesthesia.


+43 732 77 56 16

I can help if you have any of the following symptoms

Icon Wisdom tooth extraction

Wisdom tooth extraction

Surgical removal of wisdom teeth or other displaced teeth.

Icon Root tip resection

Root tip resection

Microsurgical procedure to remove the inflamed root tip and preserve the tooth.

Icon Gum recession

Gum recession

Reconstruction of the gums in the exposed dental regions (gingival recession coverage).

Icon Periodontal disease

Periodontal disease / Periodontitis

Cleaning deep gum pockets, open root cleaning, periodontal regeneration, and plastic surgery in the gums.

Icon cysts

Small cysts

Removal of small cysts around the teeth, the gums or the jaws (cystectomy).

Icon Unerupted teeth

Unerupted teeth

Exposure and bonding of brackets on teeth that have not erupted or have partially erupted.

Icon Lips and lingual frenulum

Lips and lingual frenulum

Microsurgical correction of the lips and the lingual frenulum.

Icon Lips and lingual frenulum


Surgical rehabilitation of interfering fields in the upper and lower jaw.

Icon Dental implants

Dental implants

Long-lasting fixed dentures instead of removable dentures after tooth loss.

Icon Tooth autotransplantation

Tooth autotransplantation

Transplantation of unerupted wisdom teeth in order to close gaps in the lateral teeth (especially in growing patients).

Icon Bone augmentation with autologous or foreign bone

Bone augmentation with autologous or foreign bone

In case there is too little bone for a dental implant, for instance after extraction of a tooth, after inflammation, after wearing dentures for too long, or undeveloped teeth.

Icon one augmentation in the upper jaw

Bone augmentation in the upper jaw (Sinus lift surgery)

In case of too little bone in the upper jaw, this procedure is performed to close a gap in the upper back teeth with a dental implant. This restores the function of mastication, uniform loading of the jaws, and esthetics.

    Well informed before the procedure

    Before every procedure, I take ample time to inform you about the planned type of anesthesia and the risks of the procedure.


    I perform most interventions on an outpatient basis in local anesthesia. In cases of more complex or longer interventions, I recommend you opt for general anesthesia, during which you will be monitored professionally and will be permitted to go home the same day. All methods of anesthesia that we use in our medical office are absolutely safe and very well tolerated.


    Complications are very rare in patients who are in good health and adhere to the instructions after the operation. However, complications cannot be entirely ruled out. These include drug intolerance, hematomas, inflammations, wound healing disorders, or sensitivity disorders. Even as an experienced surgeon I cannot always predict or avoid such complications. Therefore, before the operation I will inform you in detail about all possible risks.


    State-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment techniques

    2D and 3D X-ray (DVT)

    At my medical office I work with two- and three-dimensional X-ray images.

    • 2D X-ray is currently the standard diagnostic procedure and continues to serve as a crucial basis for assessing the condition of teeth and jaws.
    • In the 3D imaging procedure known as DVT (digital volume tomography), more than a hundred images are piled in layers within a few seconds. Thus, at a glance I am able to see the condition of the bones and the adjoining structures in the head. With the aid of these three-dimensional images, I can plan surgical procedures precisely and offer my patients a high degree of safety in terms of diagnosis and treatment.


    Piezosurgery, also known as ultrasonic surgery, is an ultramodern surgical procedure by which I expose the bones of the jaw in targeted fashion and preserve the surrounding soft tissue. Thus, I am able to minimize the risk of injury to blood vessels and nerves.

    Questions frequently asked by my patients

    What is the remedy for inflammation of the gums?

    An inflammation of the gums is the earliest stage of gum disease and is known as gingivitis. Signs of gingivitis include discoloration or bleeding of the gums. You can do the following if you have a gingival inflammation:

    • Brush your teeth thoroughly twice a day to remove dental plaque.
    • Make sure you also clean the spaces between your teeth with dental floss or an interdental brush.
    • Get a professional dental cleaning session at your dentist's office.

    What exactly is done during the treatment of periodontal disease?

    Treatment of periodontal disease is performed when a person has an inflammation of the periodontium (periodontitis).

    Depending on the progress of the disease, the treatment is performed in stages: from careful daily brushing of the teeth, including professional oral hygiene, to surgical cleaning of gingival pockets.

    The goal of each step is to halt the progressive inflammation and simultaneously preserve the tissue supporting the teeth in the long term.

    What is the treatment for gingival atrophy (gum loss)?

    Any successful treatment of gingival atrophy starts by determining its cause.

    If the reason is an inappropriate brushing technique, you should change your brushing technique.

    If you have an inflammatory disease of the periodontium (supporting structure of the teeth) or periodontitis, the treatment consists of professional cleaning of the teeth and gum pockets.

    How long does it take for the gums to heal?

    Regeneration or wound healing of the gums always depends on the surgical procedure.

    If the wound margins are smooth and lie close to each other, wound healing takes about six to eight days (primary wound healing).

    In cases of large, gaping wounds such as those after a tooth extraction, it may take several weeks for the hole at the site of the tooth to be completely closed (secondary wound healing).

    Do gums grow back?

    Gums can heal, but cannot grow back. However, we have several options of rebuilding receded gums by means of microsurgical procedures.

    Let an experienced specialist for oral and maxillofacial surgery advise you about the ideal treatment modality for your condition.

    Is periodontitis curable?

    Periodontitis is an inflammation of the periodontal apparatus (the tissues surrounding and supporting the teeth) and is unfortunately not completely curable.